Our Projects

Improving the Health, IGA, Spiritual and Livelihood aspects of vulnerable widows.

Like we all know, elderly stage of life is characterized by illnesses, weakness and vulnerability, as Kimwanga Widows Project, we do a lot in preaching and employing preventative health care like giving mosquito nets that prevent malaria, we have set up a community clinic which gives simple treatments and first aid in case of illness. Additionally, in implementation of 14 points of a healthy home

The main thrust of the Widow’s is to assist them in the sustainable establishment of income generating activities to be undertaken in or near the home. This is the main objectives of the self-help promotion.

As we have previously focused on, the identification of income generating activities came from a bottom up approach. We choose IGAs that corresponds to the needs of widows, we have a project of goat raring, handicrafts and poultry.

We fully take charge of enhancing the relationship with their God. We work to help widows understand Who God is through fellowships, prayer, fasting and bible study. Such sessions re-engnite their spiritual souls.

We support most vulnerable widows with a meal especially those that completely are impaired, poorer of the poorest and disadvantaged. Through friends, we have managed to provide two (2) meals per day for 10 widows.

Additionally, we have identified several widows whose shelter, beddings and clothing in sorrow state, through friends and well-wishers, we are on mission of clothing widows on a campaign named “DRESS A WIDOW” where friends donate clothing’s to the widows.


Needy widows are one of the most vulnerable people in Uganda.


Our Volunteer mentors, teach and train our targeted communities.

Pray With Us

Pray for us to be equipped with all we need to serve.